Are you a mommy blogger? Are you having trouble finding the time? Are you not seeing the growth you want to see on your blog and feel like throwing in the towel? Don’t do it just yet! Check out my 5 tips for mommy bloggers
#1 Treat your blog like the job and business it is
Do you consider your blog a business? Are you wanting to make money on it? Drives sales? Get clients? Then you need to show up and do the work.
No one makes money on a new business without putting in the hours. Short of winning the lottery, you can’t make money without any effort. The same goes for your blog. You can’t expect to make money on your blog if you are never putting in the time or the effort. So, start treating your blog like the money maker it will become!
#2 Set Goals
Earl Nightingale once said, “People with goals succeed because they know where they are going.”
Do you know where you are going? Have you set goals? If you haven’t done that yet now is the time!
SMART goals, a common acronym is great for setting goals! All goals should be
S. – Specific
M. – Measurable
A. – Achievable
R. – Realistic
T. – Time based
Did you know that the SMART goals acronym was created in early 1981 by George Doran, Arthur Miller, and James Cunningham? It was meant to be used for business but is now implemented in schools and businesses alike!
I suggest you have monthly, Biannual, Annual, and 5 year SMART goals mapped out! These goals will help you keep your eye on the prize! Whatever that prize might be for you!

20 pages of free content including:
- Frequently asked blogging questions
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- 75 niche ideas
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#3 Get up Early
This is optional. But I have found that I am at my best first thing in the morning. I am able to bust out my best work in the first hour of every day. I am refreshed and don’t feel distracted by life’s demands. If I don’t get up early and get work done before my husband and daughter are up I am not nearly as productive.
Maybe getting up early isn’t the best option for you but you need to find the time of the day where you will be at your absolute best. When you find that time, stick to it! You can’t slack off and expect your blog to progress!
#4 Manage Your time
This is very similar to the previous tip! You need to manage your time so that when you sit down to work on your blog you are focused. If you only have 1 hour a day to blog then make sure you are free from distractions. No getting up to switch over the laundry, no stopping to make lunch. FOCUS. Manage your work time as work time!
Remember content is king! The bulk of your time should be spent creating content! So if you only have an hour a day to blog then 30 minutes of that time should be spent creating content. The other 30 minutes can be spent doing all the other minutiae of blogging like answering emails, creating opt-ins, developing graphics, marketing your content on Pinterest etc.
#5 Batch your Work
Ideally, you have more than one hour a day to spend on your blog. 2 hours minimum seems to work best for me. I spend about 2 hours a day blogging during weekdays ( I have a full-time teaching job and baby at home) and about 4 hours on Saturdays and Sundays.
I spend a minimum of 45 minutes to 1-hour creating content EVERY DAY! I literally set my timer for 45 minutes and do not get out of my chair for that entire time. I don’t check emails, I don’t create graphics, I just WRITE. If I finish one post draft I move onto the next on my editorial calendar. Sometimes my timer goes off and I think “Thank God!” other times I silence it and keep writing. It really depends on the day.
Because I write consistently every day I am usually pretty far ahead on my content calendar. This means I can batch similar posts together. For example, 4 days in a row I might be writing only about Social Media Marketing, then another 4 days I am writing only about time management. While each post might not be published in the order I write them, it is much easier to write similar content together.
I batch other blogging tasks together as well. For example, one day I might only focus on working email opt-ins, another day I am only working on Pinterest Marketing, another day I am creating all graphics and so on and so forth.
There you have it! My 5 tips for being an awesome Mommy Blogger! Do you have anything to add? Let me know in the comments below!

20 pages of free content including:
- Frequently asked blogging questions
- hosting
- WordPress
- theme recommendations
- 75 niche ideas
- 25 blog post types
- creating and registering a domain name
- writing tips
- and more!
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