Essential oils are such a hot topic these days. Everyone has an opinion, and there seems to be conflicting information out there everywhere! Because if this I wanted to share my main thoughts and feelings on essential oils and how I use/don’t use them in my home.
Some background information on me before you make any snap judgments.
I DO use over the counter medications.
I DO use prescription medications when prescribed.
I DO vaccinate my daughter.
I DO get the flu shot.
I DO all of those things
AND I use essential oils.
I might get some hate for saying all of those things! And I am okay with that!
This post contains affiliate links. I earn from qualifying purchases.
think there is a message going around that you have to be fully in one motherhood camp or the other which just isn’t true! It’s okay to use the miracle advances of Western medicine and also use the natural benefits of Eastern medicine! You do you!
Okay so now that you know my dirty truth about essential oils, and the fact that I also use Western Medicine, here
First of all, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my diffuser
I do believe that essential oils can affect your mood and outlook because, hello! smells have a major effect on how people feel! The smell of coffee makes me hopeful for the day, the smell of lavender in the shower relaxes me for the evening, the smell of onions and garlic roasting makes me hungry and excited for dinner. Smells are everything!
There is proven scientific evidence that the smell of certain oils can have calming effects,
According to medicalnewstoday.com, while you shouldn’t rely solely on essential oils to treat depression and other medical conditions they did say, “Certain essential oils may relieve some of the psychological and physical symptoms linked with depression. Some research has shown that using essential oils may improve sleep, enhance mood, and improve a person’s quality of life.”
Second, I, personally, do not ingest essential oils.
For those of you who know me, I’m pretty skeptical for about most things. As I said above, I think our relationship with smells can have a huge impact on our emotions and mental state. That being said, do I believe all the health claims that come with the essential oil movement? Not really, not yet. Maybe someday I will. However, currently, I do not ingest any essential oils. I’m not saying I won’t ingest later down the line but currently, I have not seen enough evidence OR done enough research to warrant ingesting essential oils at this time.
Get this Beautiful Diffuser Blend Printable!
Here are 7 of my favorite diffuser blends that you can make with your Starter Kit to support sleep, mood, and more!
- Sweet Dreams
- Fresh and Clean
- Heavenly
- Refreshing
- Calm
- Happy Life
- Seasonal Blend
Third, I DO want fewer chemicals in my house!
There is plenty of evidence about the number of toxic chemicals in our households in everything from beauty products to cleaning products!
Check out EWG.org or download the EWG App and the ThinkDirty App to get some ideas on the toxic chemicals you most likely have on your shelves.
I am on a ditch-and-switch mission but I am taking it very slowly as it can be time-consuming as well as costly! I do the research about whether or not I should switch out the product for a safer alternative only after I finish a bottle of a product. I by no means have dumped my closet full of cleaners and drawers of makeup all at once. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Or money for that matter! Take it slow!
Fourth, My thoughts on Young Living and its MLM arrangement
I strongly dislike that Young Living is organized as a multi-level marketing company. I think it breeds distrust in possible consumers and customers. I would prefer if they were set up more like an affiliate marketing program like Amazon.
But when push comes to shove, I prefer Young Living as my essential oil supplier and so I will just have to suck up the fact that they are an MLM company.
I DO feel that recommending essential oil products is no different than recommending products on Amazon.
I value the trust, you as my reader, have in me. I would never recommend a product to you that I personally wouldn’t use. While blogging is a valuable part of my income I would never want to compromise the trust I have built with my readers. So I will only recommend products that I trust and essential oils happen to be one of them.
So I will share products that I really like to anyone that is interested. I will also only share essential oil products that I have done research on if I feel that they would help my readers. If you aren’t interested in essential oils that is TOTALLY okay! Just skip past those parts of my post! I won’t be offended!
If after everything I have said you are still interested and you would like to sign up you can do that through my link here and follow these steps.

Choose your membership level
You can choose to sign up as a member or as a retail customer.
Either way works, but as a member, you save money by buying wholesale. To be a member you have to start off by buying a Premium Starter Kit. This has big cost savings because you start off with a diffuser and 11 great oils that will jump-start your oily journey! My personal favorites from the premium starter kit are Lavender, Frankincense, Peppermint, Thieves, and Copaiba!
An important thing to note! You can sign up as a member and get the starter kit and then never order again! You are not locked into ordering oils every month. You can literally never order again if you don’t want to! You also do not have to sell. In fact, most Young Living Members do not sell oils at all!
Step 1: Choose your starter kit

Step 2: Set up Monthly Order (Optional)
This is an optional monthly automated order. You can change the items you want to be shipped to you each month by logging into your account. You must spend a minimum of $50 a month and then you get points back to then use to “purchase” more oils.
Benefits include
- Discounted Shipping
- Reward points
- 1-3 months: 10 percent of each Essential Rewards order PV
4-24 months: 20 percent of each Essential Rewards order PV
25+ months: 25 percent of each Essential Rewards order PV - (to put this in perspective a Costco Executive Membership give you 2% cash back reward)
- Loyalty gifts at the 3, 6, 9 and 12-month marks
To read a more complete description of Essential Rewards check it out here
I’m telling it to you straight. I don’t think Essential Rewards is all that great mostly because I don’t like that you are required to spend 50 bucks a month. 50 bucks a month is a lot for some families!
Only sign up for this if you are financially able and are planning on doing some ditch and switch work! Don’t be pressured by a sales pitch. BUT, if you are planning on purchasing monthly and are trying to switch out products you might as well get the points back!

At this point, you can add any other oils or products you are interested in. Since your first purchase is pretty expensive don’t feel bad if you just stick with the Starter Kit and don’t add any other oils! You can always order more oils later if/when you want them!
After that, you will follow all the basic steps of ordering something online including setting up an account, shipping info, payment info etc.
If you have any questions about the signup process send me an email at bringingbackthehousewife@gmail.com or message me on Instagram, @bringingbackthehousewife!
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