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Everything you need to know about newborns

Hey Friends! Today I wanted to do a quick round up of my newborn baby posts! I am linking up all relevant posts that relate to all things newborn babies! Please use this roundup as your Ultimate Newborn Survival Guide.

I don’t just want you to get through the first 6 weeks of your baby’s life. I want you to ENJOY it too! This time with your baby is so short and yet so precious! Soak up every last glorious second!

Newborn Tips is a basic summary of almost all the posts that I wrote about the newborn stage. I briefly go over breastfeeding, bathing, diaper changing, sleeping, playing and more! If you need a crash course in newborn life I would start there first!

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Essential Products

Wondering what the best products are for your newborn days? Get these 10 Essential Newborn Products! You can order them on Amazon or borrow from a friend! Someone you know is bound to have some of these items sitting in their garage leftover from an older baby!

Daily Schedule

Newborn Schedule: In this post, I discuss the different ways you can not only survive but also thrive during the newborn days! I have for you the easiest routine for life with a newborn! It’s a very loose schedule that will get you through each day feelings productive, restful, and less stressful! I will get you feeling less like a zombie and more like the blissful mama that I know you are on the inside!


Breastfeeding a Newborn: If you are wondering how to breastfeed your newborn and if there are any tips, tricks, or products that you are going to need you are going to love my Breastfeeding a Newborn Post!

Have a clogged duct or mastitis? There are some natural ways to prevent and treat mastitis!

If you have an oversupply of milk you might also need these breastmilk storage supply tips!


Bathing a newborn does not need to be scary and overwhelming! I have plenty of tips and tricks to get you going. I explain when, how, and what you need in Bathing a Newborn!

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Newborn Sleep

When you are planning to bring a baby home from the hospital one of your main concerns might be the dreaded sleep deprivation. I had what felt like hundreds of people tell me that the minute I had the baby that I could “say goodbye to sleep forever”. Not the most encouraging words of wisdom ever. Not to mention that was totally untrue. My baby slept great from pretty much the beginning! I think some of that was definitely just her innate temperament, but I would like to take a little credit for how I raised her. Hopefully, my Newborn Sleep Tips can help you too!

Tips for Dad

Newborn Tips for Dads– If you are thinking about how your husband can support you during this time you will love this post. With all that being said my husband and I sat down together to come up with these 5 Newborn Tips for Dads!

If you enter the newborn stage with the mindset that this stage is temporary and that you should cherish every last minute you will feel a whole lot better about the newborn stage. You might even enjoy it!

One way to get yourself to cherish and enjoy the newborn stage is to get that husband of yours on board. Forward him this post to get you both on the same page!

Ultimate newborn survival guide
Newborn Tips Round Up
Tips and tricks for stress free newborn days
Ultimate survival guide for newborns

8 Month Baby Milestones

Are you ready to learn all about the needs and development of your 8-month-old baby?! You have come to the right place. I have written an extensive guide for you including what to expect when it comes to developmental milestones, sleep, breastfeeding, and even how to...

7 Month Old Milestones

Are you ready to learn all about the needs and development of your 7-month-old baby?! You have come to the right place. I have written an extensive guide for you including what to expect when it comes to developmental milestones, sleep, breastfeeding, and even how to...

6 Month Old Milestones

Are you ready to learn all about the needs and development of your 6-month-old baby?! You have come to the right place. I have written an extensive guide for you including what to expect when it comes to developmental milestones, sleep, breastfeeding, and even how to...

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