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Newborn Tips for Dads

I think the newborn days are literally the best. There is nothing more special than a scrunchy, sleepy, cuddly newborn. They smell delicious, sleep all the time, and just change your life for the better from the very second they are born. However, many new parents...

Newborn Sleep Tips

When you are planning to bring a baby home from the hospital one of your main concerns might be the dreaded sleep deprivation. I had what felt like hundreds of people tell me that the minute I had the baby that I could “say goodbye to sleep forever”. Not the most...

10 Newborn Essentials for the First Month

Congrats new mom! Soon you will be welcoming home a snuggling little newborn. With that, you are probably looking at those first few months with a little bit of trepidation and fear. Don’t worry mama I have got you covered with this newborn essentials list! I’ve...

Newborn Tips

The newborn stage is hard! Your body is recovering from a natural but intense ordeal, you are sleep deprived, and your whole life has just turned 100% upside down! But in my opinion, the newborn stage is the absolute best! It is the time for cozy snuggles, taking it...

Newborn Schedule

You spend days, weeks, and months planning for your big day. You read blog posts, listen to podcasts, and might even pick up a few books. Which big day am I talking about? The day you go into labor of course! You have your bags packed, birth affirmations are written...

How to Store Breast Milk

Are you returning to work soon and wondering how to start storing all of the breast milk you will be pumping? Do you have an oversupply and want to start stashing milk away for later? Either way then this post is for you! I am discussing storage guidelines, storing...

5 Breastfeeding Lies You’ve Been Told

I went to an amazing breastfeeding class when I was pregnant. My husband and I were totally blown away by all the benefits breastfeeding provides a baby! The fact that a woman’s body can make and share antibodies through breast milk is mind-boggling. The human body is...

Returning from Maternity Leave

  Returning from maternity leave can be brutal! Leaving your little one to head back to work can feel pretty unnatural. Which in some ways I think it is! If we think about it caveman style, it would be unnatural and impossible for women to leave their babies...

5 Tips for Anxious Moms

I’ve struggled with anxiety for my entire life. I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed, exhausted, and worried. Once I started working again after I had my daughter I felt my anxiety shoot through the roof. It felt like there was always a list of things to worry...

5 Tips for Finding your Blog Niche

Picking a niche can be one of the hardest things you do when deciding on a blog. Many newbie bloggers are worried that they are going to get pigeonholed into their niche or won’t like their niche once they have been writing for a while. While picking your niche is...